"Organization name","Area of work","Geographic focus",Year,"Amount committed (US$)","Funding purpose","Investment Description" "Agência Pública","Information Ecosystems","Latin America",2024,750550,"General Funding Grant","This 36-month General Operating grant seeks to support Agência Pública's institutional development in different fronts (strategic, fundraising, and branding) as well as support transnational investigations from a Global Majority perspective, a seed editorial project to enable a more Global footprint for the organisation." "Atlantic Council","Participation & Dissent","Latin America",2024,565000,"Program Grant","The Atlantic Council?s Adrienne Arsht Latin America Center (AALAC) broadens understanding of regional transformations while demonstrating why Latin America and the Caribbean matter for the world. This grant specifically supports their work on Colombia." "Boston Center for Latin America","Information Ecosystems","Latin America",2024,300000,"Project Agreement","This is a two-year project agreement aimed at supporting the Boston Center for Latin America in its efforts with the entertainment industry in Mexico. The goal is to tackle stereotypes and harmful narratives related to depictions of women and LGBT+ characters in popular series and movies." "Centro Latinoamericano de Investigación Periodística (CLIP)","Information Ecosystems","Latin America",2024,395000,"Project Grant","Supporting CLIP in achieving their institutional objective of fostering public debate and delivering high-quality transnational information to advocates of the public good. Specifically, the grant aims to support the following work streams: Cross-Border Investigations and Editorial Support, Tech Development for Enhanced Journalism Efficiency and Data Processing, Community Development, and the Crossborder Big Tech Investigation Workshop." "Diversas y Juntas","Participation & Dissent","Latin America",2024,400000,"Project Agreement","This project agreement with Aúna aims to promote and support women's political participation in Mexico." "Instituto de Liderazgo Simone de Beauvoir","Participation & Dissent","Latin America",2024,467000,"Project Grant","This 32-month grant will support ILSB by training diverse women leaders, equipping women in politics to promote gender equality, and fostering partnerships to protect civic space in Mexico." "Instituto de Referência Negra Peregum","Participation & Dissent","Latin America",2024,450000,"Project Agreement","This agreement aims at supporting Peregum in preparing leaders of the BIPOC movement for democratic participation." "Instituto Incube","Information Ecosystems","Latin America",2024,250000,Other,"This is a seed 24-month grant aiming to support More in Common's plan to establish operations in Brazil, hire the top executive team and fully register a legal entity, enabling the development of its first audience mapping in the country as well as the dissemination and establishment of partnerships for its use." "Instituto Update","Participation & Dissent","Latin America",2024,650000,"Project Agreement","Supporting Instituto Update in bolstering the political engagement of marginalized communities in Latin America, with a particular focus on women, Afro-descendants, indigenous communities, and the LGBTIQ+ community." Luchadoras,"Information Ecosystems","Latin America",2024,300000,"General Funding Grant","The 36-month core grant aims to support Luchadoras in monitoring gender-based violence online in Mexico and the region, as well as carrying out efforts regarding internet governance with platforms and key government stakeholders." "Red de Innovación Local (RIL)","Participation & Dissent","Latin America",2024,600000,"Project Agreement","This 36-month project agreement aims to support RIL's initiatives in amplifying the influence of women in politics at the local level by offering training and guidance in crafting public policies with a gender perspective, creating platforms for peer learning and accompaniment, and boosting the visibility of local women's leadership in Argentina." "ABONG - Associação Brasileira de ONGs","Participation & Dissent","Latin America",2023,350000,"Project Agreement","ABONG is a Brazilian association established in 1991 with the aim of strengthening Brazilian Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) working in the defense and promotion of common rights and goods. They collaborate with social movements and engage in dialogue with governments for an environmentally just world, with equal rights and free from all forms of discrimination" "Amazon Land Documentary","Participation & Dissent","Latin America",2023,115000,"Project Agreement","This Project Agreement seeks to help The Territory impact campaign transition to a long-lasting initiative with permanent impact - an institute that helps traditional communities in the Amazon Region become storytellers and shape the public debate from their perspective." "Amnistía Internacional Argentina","Participation & Dissent","Latin America",2023,120000,"Project Agreement","This rapid response grant to seeks to promote and defend the human rights of underrepresented groups in the country." AzMina,"Participation & Dissent","Latin America",2023,406000,"Project Agreement","Luminate's investment in AzMina will support its main tech projects and its institutional strengthening to enhance policy processes, strategies, governance and management, providing greater sustainability to the organization's activities over the long term." "Ciudades Feministas (CISCSA)","Participation & Dissent","Latin America",2023,200000,"Project Grant","To support CISCSA in promoting the political participation of young women in local communities in Córdoba, Argentina, through a participatory diagnosis and research process, political training programs grounded in feminist popular education, and the creation of networks and alliances to amplify the voices of young women and ensure their inclusion in decision-making processes at the local level." Conectas,"Information Ecosystems","Latin America",2023,980000,"General Funding Grant","This grant will support Conectas in establishing a new and innovative work stream dedicated to combating misinformation and hate speech in Brazil, as well as ensuring that Latin America perspectives are taken into consideration in the global debates around digital platforms' regulations." "Cuestión Pública","Information Ecosystems","Latin America",2023,331500,"Project Agreement","To support the organization's work in Colombia, focusing on the following three areas: a) strengthen and bolster its security capacities, b) help improve its investigative journalism and creative publishing, and c) supporting the diversification of income sources to promote the organization's financial sustainability." "Data Privacy Brasil","Information Ecosystems","Latin America",2023,400000,"Project Agreement","Data Privacy Brasil Research Association - DPBR is a non-profit civil society organization that promotes data protection and other fundamental rights in the face of the emergence of new technologies, social inequalities and power asymmetries. With a multidisciplinary team from different Brazilian regions, DPBR develops public interest research on emerging issues, conducts advocacy and provides training for decision-making agents and society in general." "Equipo Latinoamericano de Justicia y Género (ELA)","Participation & Dissent","Latin America",2023,364400,"General Funding Grant","To support ELA in their efforts to enhance women's political participation in Argentina, addressing specific challenges that hinder their full and safe representation." "Escola Livre","Participation & Dissent","Latin America",2023,40000,"Project Agreement","This grant aims to strengthen RENFA/Escola Livre in its efforts as part of the Brazilian Black Coalition for Rights, building collective positions on key policy issues." "Fundacion Mi Sangre (FMS)","Participation & Dissent","Latin America",2023,310000,"Program Grant","To support Fundacion Mi Sangre by a) building civic and political capacities in youth to shape decision-making and b) strengthening the organization's financial sustainability." "Fundacion para la Libertad de Prensa (FLIP)","Information Ecosystems","Latin America",2023,600000,"General Funding Grant","This core grant to FLIP will support their work in Colombia, focusing on the following three programs: a) improving the protection of journalists from a preventive approach, b) reactivating independent local journalism networks, and c) strengthening the organization's financial sustainability, governance and well-being." "Institute of Digital Development for Latin America and the Caribbean (IDD LAC)","Information Ecosystems","Latin America",2023,145000,"Project Agreement","This 7-month rapid-response grant aims to reduce the prevalence of misinformation and disinformation on social media in Argentina ahead of the 2023 presidential election." "Instituto Marielle Franco","Participation & Dissent","Latin America",2023,375000,"Project Agreement","Instituto Marielle Franco is a Brazilian non-profit organization, created by Marielle's family as a response to the brutal assassination that attempted to silence her. The Institute's mission is to inspire, connect, and empower Black women, LGBTQIAP+ individuals, and those from marginalized communities to continue shaking the foundations of society. Its vision is of a world where people like Marielle can access and thrive in various decision-making spaces of society without being interrupted. Its pillars of action consist of fighting for justice, upholding memory, amplifying the legacy, and nurturing the seeds of Marielle, those who came before, and those who will come after." InternetLab,"Information Ecosystems","Latin America",2023,655000,"General Funding Grant","InternetLab is a Brazilian civil society organization whose mission is to produce sophisticated, evidence-based and impact-oriented social and legal research and analyses to identify and clarify critical issues, thereby helping to build the intellectual and evidential foundation for public awareness, action and policy-making." Intervozes,"Information Ecosystems","Latin America",2023,290000,"Project Agreement","This Project Agreement will support Intervozes' general mission of promoting a free and diverse informational ecosystem in Brazil, specifically by supporting their ability to a) carry out research projects; b) implement public engagement campaigns and advocacy strategies on both national and international levels; c) conduct training courses aimed at grassroots activists and organizations." "Nacif Films","Participation & Dissent","Latin America",2023,140000,"Project Agreement","To support Filmadora in the production of a documentary about Vivir Quintana and her exploration of gender-based violence in Mexico." "Núcleo Jornalismo","Information Ecosystems","Latin America",2023,190000,"Project Agreement","The funding will be applied in institutional development (administrative, HR, and commercial capacity), community building, and technology enhancement and artificial intelligence." Peri,"Participation & Dissent","Latin America",2023,944500,"Project Agreement","Peri is a Brazil-born studio focused on creating films, docs and series that strategically push new mental models into the audience's imagination by tapping into well-known narrative archetypes." Quid,"Information Ecosystems","Latin America",2023,890000,"Project Agreement","This grant will help Quid consolidate its operations for a longer time, offering support to the field in its work to mitigate for antidemocratic extremism that prevents underrepresented groups to participate in political decisions. It will be dedicated to expanding research capacity, amplifying campaign actions, and deepening partnerships within and outside of Brazil." "Tecnología Sin Fines de Lucro","Participation & Dissent","Latin America",2023,60000,"Project Agreement","This grant to Accionar.io contributes to the collaborative design of communication and mobilization strategies aimed at raising awareness and promoting the agendas of underrepresented groups, specifically women, youth, the LGBT+ community, and Indigenous peoples." "Universidad Torcuato Di Tella","Participation & Dissent","Latin America",2023,160000,"Project Agreement","To create a resilient network of women in Argentina, fostering collaboration and facilitating their advancement in political, economic, academic, and social leadership roles." "Victory Institute","Participation & Dissent","Latin America",2023,589254,"Project Grant","The proposed project grant will support the Victory Institute in strengthening the network and skills of LGBTQI+ leaders across Latin America; producing a two-volume research on the regional situation of the political participation of LGBTQI+ persons; and developing institutional capacity and resilience of the LGBTQI+ movement in Brazil." "Yaaj México","Participation & Dissent","Latin America",2023,210000,"General Funding Grant","To support Yaaj in their efforts to enhance the political and civic participation of the LGBTI+ community in Mexico." "All Out","Participation & Dissent","Latin America",2022,600000,"Project Agreement","All Out is a global organization advancing the rights and political agency of the LGBT+ community. They describe themselves as ""a global movement fighting for a world where no one has to sacrifice their family, freedom, safety, or dignity because of who they are or who they love""." "Caribe Afirmativo","Participation & Dissent","Latin America",2022,582000,"Program Grant","This program grant to Caribe Afirmativo will support its work in Colombia, fostering LGBTIQ+ public policy." "Igualada Film LLC","Participation & Dissent","Latin America",2022,250000,"Project Agreement","To support IGUALADA, a film that tells the story of Francia Marquez, the first Afro-Colombian woman to run for president of Colombia." "Instituto Cultura e Democracia","Information Ecosystems","Latin America",2022,210000,"Project Agreement","This project agreement will seek to strengthen Desinformante as a platform and specific connected initiatives that have a complementary role in monitoring and holding social media platforms accountable in Brazil's 2022 elections and the initial months of the new government." "Instituto Update","Participation & Dissent","Latin America",2022,600000,"Project Agreement","This Project Funding seeks to advance Update's work on campaigning (especially the implementation and expansion of its tech tools), storytelling, and research to improve the presence of women and other underrepresented groups in institutional politics. It will also seek to strengthen Update's institutional development." "Netherlands Institute for Multiparty Democracy (NIMD)","Participation & Dissent","Latin America",2022,30000,"Project Agreement","To support NIMD in increasing the representation of underrepresented groups in policymaking through civic participation methodologies and building capacities of congresspeople to carry out citizen-focused legislation." Nexo,"Information Ecosystems","Latin America",2022,250000,"Project Agreement","Nexo is a Brazilian award-winning, digital-only independent media organisation." Nossas,"Participation & Dissent","Latin America",2022,515000,"General Funding Grant","Sunset core grant to support the continuity of their work at a national scale in Brazil." "Producciones P.P. México","Participation & Dissent, Information Ecosystems","Latin America",2022,175000,"Project Agreement","To support a documentary about journalists in Mexico" "Res Non Verba","Information Ecosystems","Latin America",2022,277000,"Project Grant","Seed funding to support the establishment and implementation of Civic Compass, an initiative focusing on the intersection of technology, the internet and representative democracy in Latin America." Temblores,"Participation & Dissent","Latin America",2022,430000,"Program Grant","To strengthen Temblores's legal support for police violence victims, the Observatory on Police Violence and Global Network Against Police Violence." "Access Now","Data & Digital Rights","Latin America",2021,57000,"Project Agreement","To support a collaborative effort between Access Now and Observacom, addressing content moderation practices and aiming to guarantee user's freedom of expression online in Argentina." "Amazon Land Documentary","Civic Empowerment","Latin America",2021,313600,"Project Agreement","To support The Territory, a film that tells the story of an Indigenous community - the Uru-Eu-Wau-Wau people - in the Brazilian Amazon and their struggle to keep their land." "Article 19","Data & Digital Rights","Latin America",2021,350000,"Project Agreement","To support Article 19's Digital Rights Program to enable a more favorable digital environment for exercising human rights, especially freedom of expression and access to information in Mexico" "BuscaVida Filmes","Civic Empowerment","Latin America",2021,"For-profit figures not reported","Project Agreement","To support Dystopia, a Brazilian documentary that will shed a light on the COVID-19 crisis in the country." "Centro Latinoamericano de Investigación Periodística (CLIP)","Independent Media","Latin America",2021,300000,"Project Grant","To support CLIP, a non-profit association composed of a Latin American team, which conducts and coordinates collaborative cross-border journalistic investigations and puts its technological innovations at the service of journalism in the region. Through its investigations, always carried out with Latin America's media and journalists, CLIP seeks to serve as a secure platform for exchange and hard-hitting journalism." Chequeado,"Independent Media","Latin America",2021,310000,"General Funding Grant","To provide Chequeado with core support." "Cuestión Pública","Independent Media","Latin America",2021,110000,"Project Agreement","Cuestion Publica - 2021 Project Agreement" "El Espectador","Independent Media","Latin America",2021,65000,"Project Agreement","To support La Pulla's 2022 election project, which has two main goals: encouraging voters to head to the polls and educating young people from different regions of the country on electoral matters." Extituto,"Civic Empowerment","Latin America",2021,210000,"General Funding Grant","To support Extituto's work in Colombia, fostering more representative, participative, and accountable governments." "Instituto Betty & Jacob Lafer","Civic Empowerment","Latin America",2021,40000,"Project Agreement","To support Instituto Betty & Jacob Lafer, a Brazilian philanthropic organization that focuses its grant-making and activities in empowering Brazilian organizations and offering support to agendas such as the defense of democracy, public security, data & digital rights, and human rights more broadly." "Instituto de Referência Negra Peregum","Civic Empowerment","Latin America",2021,250000,"Project Agreement","To support the Peregum Black Reference Institute." "Instituto de Tecnologia e Sociedade do Rio de Janeiro (ITS)","Civic Empowerment","Latin America",2021,80000,Other,"To support the Instituto de Tecnologia e Sociedade do Rio de Janeiro (ITS), a non-profit that uses technology opportunities to drive positive social change." "Instituto Igarapé","Civic Empowerment","Latin America",2021,120000,"Project Grant","To support Instituto Igarape, an independent think and do tank devoted to evidence-based policy and action on complex security, justice, and development challenges in Brazil, Latin America, and Africa." "Instituto Socioambiental (ISA)","Civic Empowerment","Latin America",2021,250000,"Project Grant","To support Instituto Socioambiental (ISA), a non-profit and non-governmental organization that seeks to ensure the rights of Indigenous peoples, working closely with the Indigenous movement in Brazil." JustaPaz,"Civic Empowerment","Latin America",2021,71600,"Project Agreement","To support JustaPaz's 2022 Elections project in Colombia. This project will seek to increase the representation of historically marginalized groups in Congress both before and after elections." "La Silla Vacía","Independent Media","Latin America",2021,"For-profit figures not reported",,"To support La Silla Vacía, a Colombian independent digital media outlet, which offers quality, investigative reporting about Colombian politics." Mutante,"Independent Media","Latin America",2021,75000,"Project Grant","To provide a project grant to Mutante to support the organization's non-partisan 2022 Elections project in Colombia. This project aims to increase youth representation in 2022 Congress agendas, focusing on raising the voices of young people who mobilized and participated in the 2021 social protests." Nexo,"Independent Media","Latin America",2021,"For-profit figures not reported",,"To support Nexo, a media organisation that produces analytic and data journalism, providing audiences with high-quality content while also testing different approaches to business development." "No Ficción","Civic Empowerment","Latin America",2021,85000,"Project Agreement","To support the implementation of impact campaigns for films highlighting the crisis of impunity in Mexico." OBSERVACOM,"Data & Digital Rights","Latin America",2021,57000,"Project Agreement","To support a collaborative effort between Access Now and Observacom, addressing content moderation practices and aiming to guarantee user's freedom of expression online in Argentina." "Olas Altas Productora","Civic Empowerment","Latin America",2021,50000,"Project Agreement","To support an impact campaign for ""La Vocera"", a film about the first indigenous woman to formally aspire to the Mexican Presidency. The impact campaign for the film is designed to contribute to the effort of making Mexican politics more inclusive and representative." "Plop Media","Independent Media","Latin America",2021,230000,"Project Agreement","To support Plop Media in producing satirical multimedia content focused on political topics that engage young audiences in Latin America." Quid,"Independent Media","Latin America",2021,400000,"Project Agreement","To support Quid, a non-profit dedicated to improving Brazil's public debate by researching, testing, and implementing new narratives against disinformation and hate speech." "Ruta Cívica","Civic Empowerment","Latin America",2021,300000,Other,"To support Aina's programmatic work in advancing the participation of women in Mexican politics by supporting them through training, mentorship, and other activities designed to gradually tackle entrenched barriers to enter or stay in public decision-making processes at every level (neighborhood, city, state, and national levels)." "Washington Office on Latin America","Civic Empowerment","Latin America",2021,800000,"Program Grant","To provide a renewal grant to WOLA to support its work fostering civil society efforts in the region that seek to build democratic governance, attack systemic corruption, defend human rights, secure peace, and promote equity, especially in Colombia, Venezuela, Brazil, and Mexico." Abraji,"Independent Media","Latin America",2020,230000,"General Funding Grant","To support The Brazilian Association of Investigative Journalism - Abraji, a non-profit institution composed of and run by journalists, dedicated to improving Brazilian journalism and defending freedom of expression." "All Out","Civic Empowerment","Latin America",2020,300000,Other,"To support All Out's work in Latin America, particularly related to empowering LGBT+ people in Brazil, Colombia, and Mexico." Artemisas,"Civic Empowerment","Latin America",2020,25000,Other,"To support Artemisas' work aiming to protect the right to peacefully assemble and de-stigmatize social demonstrations in Colombia." "Avina Americas","Civic Empowerment","Latin America",2020,1800000,"Program Grant","To support the ALTEC project, providing the resources necessary for the project to fund civic empowerment organisations, social movements, and rapid-response campaigns which are striving to protect civic space and democratic governance." Colab.re,"Civic Empowerment","Latin America",2020,"For-profit figures not reported",,"This convertible seeks to support Colab, a Brazilian civic tech company, which provides a platform for citizens to engage with local governments and utility companies." "Directorio Legislativo","Financial Transparency","Latin America",2020,200000,"General Funding Grant","To support Directorio Legislativo's work in Argentina and Latin America, with a focus on strengthening Directorio Legislativo's in-house communications expertise; stabilizing impact in the anti-corruption and transparency field and opening two legislatures at the subnational level in Argentina; leveraging the Open Government Partnership leadership opportunity." "El Veinte","Data & Digital Rights","Latin America",2020,50000,Other,"To support the initiative ""COVID-19 Index and Digital Rights"" (Index), an alliance of NGOs working together to monitor and address the digital rights implications of regulatory, technical, and public policy measures in response to COVID-19 in Colombia." "Fundación Vía Libre","Data & Digital Rights","Latin America",2020,60000,Other,"To support The Citizen Initiative for the Control of the Intelligence System (ICCSI), an initiative dedicated to monitoring and promoting the effective operation of control mechanisms over the intelligence system of Argentina." "Iniciativa Latinoamericana por los Datos Abiertos (ILDA)","Data & Digital Rights","Latin America",2020,150000,"General Funding Grant","To provide core support to ILDA to expand its work on open data through applied research, experimental pilots, and agenda building." "Instituto Igarapé","Data & Digital Rights","Latin America",2020,400000,Other,"To support the Igarapé Institute, a non-profit and independent think and do tank focused on delivering data-driven and evidence-based solutions for security, justice, climate, and development challenges." "Instituto Update","Civic Empowerment","Latin America",2020,190000,Other,"To support Update Institute, a Brazilian organisation that studies and fosters civic engagement and political innovation in Latin America, seeking increased representation in politics and higher trust in democracy across the region." "Instituto Vladimir Herzog","Independent Media","Latin America",2020,200000,"Project Grant","To support the Vladimir Herzog Institute (IVH), a Brazilian civil society organisation founded in 2010, which seeks to defend the values of Democracy, Human Rights, and Freedom of Expression." Intervozes,"Data & Digital Rights","Latin America",2020,110000,Other,"To support Intervozes, a non-profit civil society organisation established in 2003 to guarantee and improve the human right to communication, including freedom of expression and seeking, receiving and impart information and ideas, privacy, and data protection." PODER,"Financial Transparency","Latin America",2020,310000,"Program Grant","To renew support to PODER's Transparency Technologies program and its work in data for accountability, whistleblowing promotion, and data and investigative journalism." "Res Non Verba","Civic Empowerment","Latin America",2020,400000,"General Funding Grant","To support Civic House's efforts to incubate civic innovations and to advance the Latin America civic technology ecosystem." "Res Non Verba","Civic Empowerment","Latin America",2020,194500,Other,"To support Change.org Argentina's citizen mobilization efforts, with a specific focus on impact-driven campaigns and expanding its reach at the local level." Temblores,"Civic Empowerment","Latin America",2020,85000,"Program Grant","To support Temblores' work in Colombia, with a focus on increasing visibility of systematic police violence while supporting citizens' capacity and tools to access the justice system." Conectas,"Civic Empowerment","Latin America",2019,1000000,"General Funding Grant","To support the work of Conectas in the defense of Brazilian civic space" "Fundacion Mi Sangre (FMS)","Civic Empowerment","Latin America",2019,267127,"General Funding Grant","To provide general operating support to Fundacion Mi Sangre" "Fundacion para la Libertad de Prensa (FLIP)","Independent Media","Latin America",2019,400000,"General Funding Grant","To support FLIP further consolidate its work on freedom of expression and journalists protection, and ramp-up efforts to fight misinformation in Colombia." "Instituto de Tecnologia e Sociedade do Rio de Janeiro (ITS)","Data & Digital Rights","Latin America",2019,900000,"Program Grant","To support ITS' work on democracy and technology, algorithmic accountability, disinformation, and computational propaganda." "Instituto Update","Civic Empowerment","Latin America",2019,305000,Other,"To support Update Institute in its efforts to advance political innovation in Latin America." "International Center for Journalists (ICFJ)","Independent Media","Latin America",2019,459864,"Project Grant","To support the establishment of Velocidad, a media accelerator that provides capacity building and financing to independent for-profit and non-profit media organisations in Latin America. " InternetLab,"Data & Digital Rights","Latin America",2019,360000,"General Funding Grant","To support InternetLab's work in advancing technology policy and promoting human rights in the digital environment." Memria,"Civic Empowerment","Latin America",2019,100000,Other,"To support Memria in capturing and curating stories of victims from the Colombian armed conflict." "Poder Ciudadano",Other,"Latin America",2019,38439,"Project Grant","To support Poder Ciudadano in its efforts to establish accountability mechanisms to keep track of the electoral campaign expenditures during the national 2019 elections in Argentina." "Res Non Verba","Civic Empowerment","Latin America",2019,68200,"Project Grant","To support Change.org Argentina in developing an online platform to provide citizens with opportunities for civic engagement and interaction with candidates." "Washington Office on Latin America",Other,"Latin America",2019,1100000,"Program Grant","To support WOLA's campaigns in Latin America." "Avina Americas","Data & Digital Rights","Latin America",2018,700000,"Project Grant","To support Avina Americas in establishing a three-year collaborative regranting mechanism called Initiativa por los Derechos Digital en Latinoamerica - Indela to strengthen and further develop the digital rights ecosystem in Latin America." Chequeado,"Independent Media","Latin America",2018,680000,"General Funding Grant","To support Chequeado in advancing its fact-checking efforts in Latin America through automation, content distribution, and data literacy programs." "Fundacao Getulio Vargas","Data & Digital Rights","Latin America",2018,88000,"Project Grant","To support FGV Department of Public Policy Analysis (FGV DAPP)'s project focused on near real-time monitoring of disinformation and fake news in Brazil's 2018 elections, with the goals of positively influencing public debates and informing electoral authorities and policymakers on how to deal with related challenges." "Iniciativa Latinoamericana por los Datos Abiertos (ILDA)","Data & Digital Rights","Latin America",2018,561610,"General Funding Grant","To provide core support to ILDA to expand its work on open data through applied research, experimental pilots, and agenda building." "International Center for Journalists (ICFJ)","Independent Media","Latin America",2018,1568186,"Project Grant","To support Grantee in its work providing capacity building and financing to non-profit media organizations in Latin America." "International Center for Journalists (ICFJ)","Independent Media","Latin America",2018,275000,"Project Grant","To support SembraMedia and the International Center for Journalists (ICFJ) in providing capacity building and financing to independent for-profit and non-profit media organizations in Latin America." Nexo,"Independent Media","Latin America",2018,920000,"General Funding Grant","To support Nexo, a Brazilian award-winning, digital-only independent media start-up. They are driven by the goal of strengthening citizenship and democracy through high quality information and data, and champion the idea that respectful public debate is possible and important." Nossas,"Civic Empowerment","Latin America",2018,1000000,"General Funding Grant","To support Nossas in scaling and refining their Civic Empowerment model." "Quebrando o Tabú","Independent Media","Latin America",2018,240000,Other,"To support Quebrando o Tabu, a Brazilian, social-first independent media outlet, which covers issues of policy, politics, and human rights." "Red en Defensa de los Derechos Digitales (R3D)","Data & Digital Rights","Latin America",2018,420000,"General Funding Grant","To support R3D in continuing to build evidence-based approaches to defend human rights in the digital realm." "Directorio Legislativo","Data & Digital Rights","Latin America",2017,235795,"General Funding Grant","To support Directorio Legislativo through a process to more fully apply civic technology and open data into their parliamentary openness work." "Instituto de Tecnologia e Sociedade do Rio de Janeiro (ITS)","Data & Digital Rights","Latin America",2017,575000,"General Funding Grant","To support ITS Rio in implementing data activities including work on blockchain, algorithmic accountability, and open data." "Instituto Igarapé","Data & Digital Rights","Latin America",2017,810000,"Program Grant","To support Igarapé Institute, a think and do tank committed to safety, security and justice with operations across Latin America and Africa." "Mexican Institute for Competitiveness (IMCO)",Other,"Latin America",2017,75000,"One-Off Funding Grant","To support a project by IMCO and Ciudadano Inteligente called Hunt for Electoral-Spending Monsters in Chile and Mexico." PODER,"Data & Digital Rights","Latin America",2017,385000,"Program Grant","To support PODER's Transparency Technologies program to expand its work in open contracting and beneficial ownership, whistleblowing and whistleblower protection, and digital security." "Res Non Verba","Civic Empowerment","Latin America",2017,742147,"General Funding Grant","To support Wingu's general operation, with a particular focus on expansion and professionalisation of tech engagement, civic impact, and experimentation with sustainability models." "Transparencia Mexicana","Financial Transparency","Latin America",2017,912507,"Program Grant","To support Transparency Mexicana in providing support to advance anti-corruption efforts in Latin America through Transparency International chapters in Mexico, Colombia, and Brazil." Wingu,"Civic Empowerment","Latin America",2017,742147,"General Funding Grant","To support Wingu's general operation, with a particular focus on expansion and professionalisation of tech engagement, civic impact, and experimentation with sustainability models." "Avina Americas","Civic Empowerment","Latin America",2016,2900000,"Program Grant","To support ALTEC in spurring the development of the civic tech ecosystem in Latin America." Chequeado,"Independent Media","Latin America",2016,237000,"General Funding Grant","To support Chequeado in advancing fact checking efforts in Latin America through the development of products from their Innovation Lab, as well as through the region-wide dissemination of those innovations as the hosts of a regional gathering on fact checking, ""Latam Chequea""." Colab.re,"Civic Empowerment","Latin America",2016,"For-profit figures not reported",,"To support Colab.re, a Brazil-based civic tech platform that enhances governments' ability to engage and respond to their citizens." "Fundacion Ciudadanía Inteligente (FCI)","Civic Empowerment","Latin America",2016,495000,"General Funding Grant","To support Fundacion Ciudadano Inteligente in amplifying its regional positioning, strengthening its operational team, and increasing citizens' engagement through the development of civic tech tools and platforms." "Mexican Institute for Competitiveness (IMCO)","Data & Digital Rights","Latin America",2016,1050000,"General Funding Grant","To support IMCO's successful work to enhance government transparency and citizen engagement in Mexico through programs such as Mejora tu Escuela (Improve your School) and 3de3." Nossas,"Civic Empowerment","Latin America",2016,480000,"General Funding Grant","To support Nossas in the expansion of its model for people-powered political participation at the city-level, originally developed by Meu Rio." "Fundacion Ciudadanía Inteligente (FCI)","Civic Empowerment","Latin America",2015,250000,"General Funding Grant","To support Fundacion Ciudadano Inteligente, a non-profit in Chile that seeks to promote government transparency and accountability, using web and mobile technology to encourage active citizen participation and engagement in the political process." "Global Integrity","Financial Transparency","Latin America",2014,120000,"Project Grant","To support Global Integrity in developing and piloting an approach to understand the ability to Follow the Money in Mexico." "Agência Pública","Independent Media","Latin America",2013,120000,"Project Grant","To support Reportagem Publica, a crowd funded network of independent, investigative journalists, which if successful , will signal to other non-profit journalism organisations that crowd funding represents a viable revenue stream." "Center for Economic Investigation and Teaching (CIDE)","Independent Media","Latin America",2013,215000,"Project Grant","To support data-driven journalism activities at the Center for Economic Investigation and Teaching (CIDE) in Mexico." DATA,"Civic Empowerment","Latin America",2013,50000,"One-Off Funding Grant","To sponsor a regional conference on open data for Latin America held in Uruguay." Fundar,"Data & Digital Rights","Latin America",2013,211000,"Project Grant","To support Fundar which seeks to build a data community to create social value from Mexico City's open transit data." "Global Investigative Journalism Conference","Independent Media","Latin America",2013,25000,"One-Off Funding Grant","To support the Global Investigative Journalism Conference, one of the largest and most influential conferences on investigative journalism held in Rio de Janeiro." "Laboratorio para la Ciudad","Civic Empowerment","Latin America",2013,100000,"Project Grant","To support The Laboratorio para la Ciudad (LabPLC), an civic innovation office within the Mexico City government. The grant enables LabPLC to test and document its theory of change, to learn how to most effectively increase civic engagement & government responsiveness." Nossas,"Civic Empowerment","Latin America",2013,475000,"General Funding Grant","To support Meu Rio, a city-focused platform for civic engagement and people-powered political action." "The University of Texas at Austin","Independent Media","Latin America",2013,25000,"One-Off Funding Grant","To support International Symposium on Online Journalism, which focuses on the emergence of new kinds of independent, alternative journalism in Latin America." "Yo Propongo","Data & Digital Rights","Latin America",2013,130000,"Project Grant","To fund its efforts to develop an online platform that will enable citizens in Mexico City to monitor the city's progress in achieving its operational and impact metrics." "Aventura Capital Partners","Civic Empowerment","Latin America",2012,40000,"One-Off Funding Grant","To support a hackathon competition in Mexico that pits teams of programmers against each other to develop mobile applications for government agencies." "Avina Americas","Civic Empowerment","Latin America",2012,2300000,"Project Grant","To support ALTEC, a fund that invests in early-stage organisations focused on the use of technology to increase civic engagement and government effectiveness." "Cidade Democratica","Civic Empowerment","Latin America",2012,202500,"Program Grant","To support Cidade Democratica, a revenue-generating non-profit that provides an open innovation platform designed for Brazilian users and municipal governments." "Mexican Institute for Competitiveness (IMCO)","Data & Digital Rights","Latin America",2012,25000,"One-Off Funding Grant","To support a convening organised by the Mexican Institute for Competitiveness to increase awareness of the Open Government Partnership (OGP) among Latin American transparency organisations." "Mexican Institute for Competitiveness (IMCO)","Data & Digital Rights","Latin America",2012,900000,"General Funding Grant","To support the Mexican Institute for Competitiveness's transformation from policy think tank to civic platform administrator by broadening reach, with a special focus on educational transparency platform." "Fundacion Ciudadanía Inteligente (FCI)","Civic Empowerment","Latin America",2011,500000,"General Funding Grant","To support Fundacion Ciudadano Inteligente, a non-profit in Chile that seeks to promote government transparency and accountability, using web and mobile technology to encourage active citizen participation and engagement in the political process."