DescriptionTo support research and policy engagement on data governance in the Health and Education sectors during COVID-19 and its impact towards public service delivery in Indonesia.
DescriptionTo support Reportagem Publica, a crowd funded network of independent, investigative journalists, which if successful , will signal to other non-profit journalism organisations that crowd funding represents a viable revenue stream.
DescriptionTo support Instituto Igarape, an independent think and do tank devoted to evidence-based policy and action on complex security, justice, and development challenges in Brazil, Latin America, and Africa.
DescriptionTo support a one-day event in 2012 called 'People, Technology, and Government' showcasing the use of technology tools for open government and for enabling increased transparency and accountability.
DescriptionThis grant will help Uplift launch a major public enquiry in Ireland on the role of Big Tech in Irish society and its failure in holding these companies to account in protecting all Europeans' data and digital rights.
DescriptionThis grant will go towards supporting two of WILAN's activities, namely the Leading Woman Show and Women Running Circle, an aftercare programme for women politicians. It will also strengthen their MsRepresented project which is an online campaign for women misrepresented and underrepresented.
DescriptionThe grant is to support InfluenceMap in developing an Ad Tracker to track, store and analyse advertising on the Facebook UK platform, to create awareness for disinformation/misinformation and green-washing propagated by fossil fuel corporations and other vested interests in relation to climate news.
Funding typeGrant: Foreign Public Charity Equivalent
Funding purposeProject Grant
DescriptionTo support the Centre for Community Development in Zimbabwe (CCDZ), a community-centred non-profit organisation, to work on enhancing citizen engagement, social accountability and monitoring of local government officials, and civic education at grassroots level.
DescriptionTo fund its efforts to develop an online platform that will enable citizens in Mexico City to monitor the city's progress in achieving its operational and impact metrics.
Amount committed (US$)
For-profit figures not reported
Funding typeDebt: Convertible (Seed)
DescriptionTo support La Silla Vacía, a Colombian independent digital media outlet, which offers quality, investigative reporting about Colombian politics.
DescriptionThis project aims to co-create and test methods for collective action on data, working in partnership with a range of community groups and organisations to build capacity, insight and profile, including supporting and amplifying the experiences and actions of impacted communities through media and comms work.
DescriptionThis 7-month rapid-response grant aims to reduce the prevalence of misinformation and disinformation on social media in Argentina ahead of the 2023 presidential election.
DescriptionTo provide a project grant to PMI to, in collaboration with Buni Media, launch the first season of a news and political satire TV show in Kenya.
DescriptionThis 2-year project grant will support Just Treatment to deliver their project on youth mental health and platform accountability as part of their wider patient-led campaigning on health justice. The project will focus on building an ecosystem across digital and non-digital groups and supporting young people harmed by social media platforms to become the leaders of a broad coalition to win systemic reform.
DescriptionThis is a two-year core grant to Cedar Seed Foundation in support of their work to enhance inclusion and diversity in political leadership in Nigeria.
Funding typeGrant: Foreign Public Charity Equivalent
Funding purposeProject Grant
DescriptionTo support the Mexico Innovation Agents project, which is an opportunity to catalyse public service delivery and generate learning for the global Open Government Partnership community.
DescriptionThe funding will support CEO's work to expose Big Tech interference in EU decision-making, thereby strengthening the resolve of decision-makers to stand firm against such lobbying pressure.
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