Funding typeGrant: Foreign Public Charity Equivalent
Funding purposeProgram Grant
DescriptionTo provide support for a new fund providing financial and human capital support to grow the nascent technology for transparency and accountability sector, globally.
DescriptionTo support Data & Society, a research institute focused on the social and cultural issues arising from data-centric technological development.
DescriptionTo support the Open Data Institute, an organisation working with companies and governments to build an open, trustworthy data ecosystem, where people can make better decisions using data and manage any harmful impacts.
Amount committed (US$)
For-profit figures not reported
Funding typeEquity
DescriptionTo provide support for NationBuilder, a software platform enabling leaders and communities to organise, rally supporters, and take action on causes and issues that matter to them.
DescriptionTo support Open Government Partnership (OGP) to provide unrestricted funding to the OGP Support Unit. OGP is a multilateral initiative of countries in which governments and civil society work together to develop ambitious open government implementation plans.
Funding typeGrant: Foreign Public Charity Equivalent
Funding purposeGeneral Funding Grant
DescriptionTo provide general operating support to mySociety, a UK-based organisation that provides technology, research, and data to help people globally to be active citizens.
DescriptionTo support the Four Freedoms Fund (FFF), a national donor collaborative working toward full integration of immigrants as active participants in our democracy.
DescriptionTo help Fuse Corps continue to grow its executive-level Fellowship program, which places experienced leaders within local governments to work on year-long projects tackling strategic issues like economic and workforce development, healthcare, public safety, climate change, and education.
DescriptionTo support FUSE Corps, which helps urban communities by partnering with civic leaders to identify pressing strategic challenges and recruiting executive-level fellows to help design innovative solutions.
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