DescriptionTo provide support for Define American's work to create more authentic and representative narratives about immigrants and refugees in the United States.
DescriptionTo contribute to the Fund for Global Human Rights in supporting grassroots organisations working across the globe to enable activists to remain agile in the face of crackdowns on their work.
Funding typeGrant: Foreign Public Charity Equivalent
Funding purposeGeneral Funding Grant
DescriptionTo support FLIP further consolidate its work on freedom of expression and journalists protection, and ramp-up efforts to fight misinformation in Colombia.
DescriptionThe Global Investigative Journalism Network serves as the international hub for the world’s investigative reporters. Their core mission is to support and strengthen investigative journalism around the world—with special attention to those from repressive regimes and marginalized communities.
DescriptionTo support the Igarapé Institute, a non-profit and independent think and do tank focused on delivering data-driven and evidence-based solutions for security, justice, climate, and development challenges.
Funding typeGrant: Foreign Public Charity Equivalent
Funding purposeGeneral Funding Grant
DescriptionTo support IBP Kenya in deepening the capacity and agency of citizens to influence the inclusivity, transparency, and responsiveness of national and county budgets, especially on budget execution.
DescriptionTo support Digital Action to work with partner organisations around the world to identify and mitigate technology-based vulnerabilities for impending elections and to build strategic coalitions to push for reforms that will build resilient democracies into the future.
Amount committed (US$)
For-profit figures not reported
Funding typeDebt: Convertible (Seed)
DescriptionTo support Nexo, a media organisation that produces analytic and data journalism, providing audiences with high-quality content while also testing different approaches to business development.
Area of workParticipation & Dissent, Information Ecosystems
Geographic focusAfrica
Year 2022
Status Current Partner
Amount committed (US$)400,000
Funding typeGrant: Foreign Public Charity Equivalent
Funding purposeGeneral Funding Grant
DescriptionA 2-year grant to Open Cities Lab to support core operations and program work. The broad aim of this grant will be to facilitate the provision of reliable information to citizens of various countries, especially Kenya, Nigeria and South Africa, to enable participation in civic and political life.
DescriptionThis is a renewal grant to Open Institute for two years. This grant seeks to continue support for ongoing work led by Open Institute in Kilifi County and beyond.
DescriptionTo support a cross-media campaign to promote Candidate Check, a vote-matching platform, leading up to the 2017 federal elections in Germany.
DescriptionTo support Quid, a non-profit dedicated to improving Brazil's public debate by researching, testing, and implementing new narratives against disinformation and hate speech.
Funding typeGrant: Foreign Public Charity Equivalent
Funding purposeOther
DescriptionTo support The Open Data Charter, a project at Civic House that aims to make data open and freely available, while protecting the rights of people and communities.
DescriptionTo support the Governance Data Alliance, a community of organisations and individuals involved in the effective production and usage of high-quality governance data.
DescriptionThis is a core operating grant support to the School of Politics, Policy, and Governance, a school that seeks to build a base and pipeline of a new value-based and disruptive thinking political class with the requisite knowledge and skills to solve complex problems of development.
Funding typeGrant: Foreign Public Charity Equivalent
Funding purposeGeneral Funding Grant
DescriptionThis is a core grant to SERAP in support of their strategic litigation work to protect dissent and to expand the space for civic participation in Nigeria.
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