DescriptionYayasan Malaysiakini is a foundation formed under the auspices of Malaysiakini, Malaysia's oldest online news portal. Its main project Sokong, is a digital fundraising platform that aims to connect donors and nonprofits in Malaysia, in an effort to provide increased, consistent and long-term funding for these organisations.
Area of workParticipation & Dissent, Information Ecosystems
Geographic focusEurope
Year 2022
Status Current Partner
Amount committed (US$)350,000
Funding typeProject Agreement
Funding purposeOther
DescriptionThis grant is to support hiring the necessary staff to scale up it works to fight against online hate, disinformation, and harassment and encourages online citizenship.
DescriptionLuminate supports AI Forensics so that it can hold major technology platforms accountable by conducting independent and high-profile technical investigations to uncover and expose the harms caused by their algorithms.
DescriptionBEUC is the umbrella group for 46 independent consumer organisations from 32 countries. BEUC's main role is to represent them to the EU institutions and defend the interests of European consumers. The BEUC acronym originates from the organisation's French name, Bureau EuropÈen des Unions de Consommateurs.
DescriptionBEUC is the umbrella group for 46 independent consumer organisations from 32 countries. BEUC's main role is to represent them to the EU institutions and defend the interests of European consumers. The BEUC acronym originates from the organisation's French name, ?Bureau Européen des Unions de Consommateurs?.
Funding typeGrant: Foreign Public Charity Equivalent
Funding purposeProject Grant
DescriptionTo support the Co-op Foundation's project at The Federation (Federation House in Manchester), an open community and hub run by the Co-op Group. It provides co-working space and venture support to digital social enterprises and an events programme.
DescriptionTo support a project by Code for America and ePanstwo to accelerate the global civic technology movement by breaking down silos, spreading best practices, and building stronger working relationships between civic technologists around the world.
DescriptionThis project aims to co-create and test methods for collective action on data, working in partnership with a range of community groups and organisations to build capacity, insight and profile, including supporting and amplifying the experiences and actions of impacted communities through media and comms work.
DescriptionThe funding will support CEO's work to expose Big Tech interference in EU decision-making, thereby strengthening the resolve of decision-makers to stand firm against such lobbying pressure.
Funding typeGrant: Foreign Public Charity Equivalent
Funding purposeGeneral Funding Grant
DescriptionTo support Correctiv, an independent, non-profit media organisation in Germany that investigates injustices and abuses of power, and runs educational programs on journalism and media literacy.
Funding typeGrant: Foreign Public Charity Equivalent
Funding purposeGeneral Funding Grant
DescriptionTo support Correctiv, an independent, non-profit media organisation in Germany that investigates injustices and abuses of power, and runs educational programs on journalism and media literacy.
DescriptionThis 2-year project grant will support DeGoedeZaak to map out the ecosystem of change-makers, civil society, and grassroots actors affected by platform harms and build a resilient ecosystem to tackle this in the Netherlands. The project will lean heavily on collaboration with key stakeholders Stem op een Vrouw and Bits of Freedom and start by convening diverse groups to build collective visions and strategies to tackle platform harms.
Funding typeGrant: Foreign Public Charity Equivalent
Funding purposeGeneral Funding Grant
DescriptionTo provide general support to Democracy Club, which envisions a United Kingdom with the digital foundations to support everyone’s participation in democratic life.
DescriptionTo support Démocratie Ouverte, an independent, non-partisan, non-profit collective which seeks to integrate more transparency, participation, and collaboration into political systems and organisations.
Funding typeGrant: Foreign Public Charity Equivalent
Funding purposeGeneral Funding Grant
DescriptionTo support the Digital Freedom Fund, a non-profit fund that supports partners in Europe to advance digital rights through strategic litigation.
Area of workParticipation & Dissent, Information Ecosystems
Geographic focusEurope
Year 2022
Status Current Partner
Amount committed (US$)1,365,455
Funding typeProject Agreement
Funding purposeOther
DescriptionThe grant will enable DFF to provide increased funding to support strategic litigation to advance digital rights and Europe, centred around platform accountability and Big Tech. It will also enable DFF to facilitate and coordinate community strengthening and support activities relating to platform accountability and collective redress within Europe.
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