DescriptionTo support the Digital Security Exchange (DSX), a matchmaking effort seeking to increase digital security capacity by bridging the gap between civil society organisations that are particularly vulnerable given the U.S. political climate, and the digital security providers who want help them.
DescriptionTo support Equality Labs, a South Asian American human rights arts organisation working at the intersection of storytelling, design, technology, and digital security to end caste apartheid, Islamophobia, and religious intolerance.
DescriptionTo support civic tech startup, a project of Fast Forward, in collecting and publishing data about interactions with police in the U.S. that local organisations, lawmakers, and police departments can use to better support their communities.
DescriptionTo support the Four Freedoms Fund (FFF), a national donor collaborative working toward full integration of immigrants as active participants in our democracy.
DescriptionTo support Equality Labs, a South Asian American human rights arts organisation working at the intersection of storytelling, design, technology, and digital security to end caste apartheid, Islamophobia, and religious intolerance.
DescriptionTo help Fuse Corps continue to grow its executive-level Fellowship program, which places experienced leaders within local governments to work on year-long projects tackling strategic issues like economic and workforce development, healthcare, public safety, climate change, and education.
DescriptionTo support FUSE Corps, which helps urban communities by partnering with civic leaders to identify pressing strategic challenges and recruiting executive-level fellows to help design innovative solutions.
DescriptionTo support the Center on Privacy and Technology at Georgetown Law, which is a think tank focused on privacy and surveillance law and policy—and the communities they affect.
DescriptionTo provide general operating funding for Just Futures Law as they provide innovative legal support that strengthens the immigrant rights and racial justice movements, centering the leadership and lived experience of organizers, activists, and base-building community groups.
DescriptionTo support the Max Bell School of Public Policy at McGill University to participate as the research lead in the Digital Democracy Project, a multi-faceted initiative designed to monitor, study, and respond to digital threats to democracy in Canada.
DescriptionTo support the Center for Media Justice, in partnership with Wellstone and United We Dream, in conducting three day-long local events that deliver grassroots digital security workshops to activists and organisers and engage them in related advocacy or educational events.
DescriptionTo support MediaJustice's work to build a movement at the intersection of data and digital rights and racial justice, organising around the unique challenges of sustaining grassroots organisations in creating concerted, amplified change. MediaJustice centers the rights and voices of people of color, lower-income communities, and all those who face historic discrimination and disadvantage.
DescriptionTo support Migratory Notes, a weekly guide to rapidly developing immigration issues for journalists, policymakers, lawyers, academics, advocates, and immigrants themselves.
DescriptionTo support NCOC's Public Data Integrity project to ensure census data integrity through coordination with experts and stakeholders in government and the private sector.
Amount committed (US$)
For-profit figures not reported
Funding typeEquity: Bridge
DescriptionTo provide support for NationBuilder, a software platform enabling leaders and communities to organise, rally supporters, and take action on causes and issues that matter to them.
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