DescriptionTo support a new endeavor called the Toolbox, the purpose of which is to create a platform where citizen activists and other stakeholders, such as app developers and large non-profits, can actively engage on a range of social issues.
DescriptionTo support the Sunlight Foundation in funding a multi-party effort to explore the merit and feasibility of an Open Data Charter, an initiative that would examine and develop policies and resources that countries could use to build meaningful new open data reforms.
DescriptionTo support International Symposium on Online Journalism, which focuses on the emergence of new kinds of independent, alternative journalism in Latin America.
DescriptionTo provide funding for the Field Study on UK Tax Payer Statements, which will research the impact of distributing to UK taxpayers statements that explain how their taxes are being spent.
Amount committed (US$)
For-profit figures not reported
Funding typeDebt: Convertible (Seed)
DescriptionTo support Versa, a for-profit civic startup developing digital products to deliver engaging, factual information to citizens through partnerships with online publishers, with the aim to increase transparency and foster citizen participation on local issues.
DescriptionTo support the development of a technical data standard that would enable civil society, governments, and the private sector to rapidly compare and contrast information contained in government contracts.
DescriptionTo fund its efforts to develop an online platform that will enable citizens in Mexico City to monitor the city's progress in achieving its operational and impact metrics.
DescriptionTo support Procurement Nigeria (BudgIT), a social enterprise focused on using technology to drive civic participation and fiscal transparency in Nigeria.
Funding typeGrant: Foreign Public Charity Equivalent
Funding purposeProject Grant
DescriptionTo support the Mexico Innovation Agents project, which is an opportunity to catalyse public service delivery and generate learning for the global Open Government Partnership community.
DescriptionTo support Personal Democracy Media in developing the Personal Democracy Center, which will be an accelerator / incubator in New York that supports civic start-ups and serves related purposes.
DescriptionTo support the Financial Transparency Coalition, which works to curtail illicit financial flows through the promotion of a transparent, accountable, and sustainable financial system that works for everyone.
DescriptionTo support the Global Initiative for Fiscal Transparency (GIFT), a multi-stakeholder programme of the International Budget Partnership addressing challenges in fiscal transparency and participation.
DescriptionTo provide funding for an upcoming convening of the Governance Data Alliance, which seeks to improve the quality of governance data and foster better communication between data producers and data users.
DescriptionTo support Global Voices, a "citizen media platform" that seeks to find and publish the most compelling and important stories coming from marginalised and misrepresented communities.
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