DescriptionThis is a project agreement to advance Amnesty Tech's strategy, which combines research, advocacy, campaigning, creative communications, human rights education, and strategic litigation against governments and tech companies.
DescriptionTo support the Center for Technology & Society in advancing ADL's mission of fighting anti-Semitism and hate, reinforcing its leadership against cyberhate, and protecting freedom of speech and democratic rights affected by emergent technologies.
DescriptionTo support the Center for Technology & Society in advancing ADL's mission of fighting anti-Semitism and hate, reinforcing its leadership against cyberhate, and protecting freedom of speech and democratic rights affected by emergent technologies.
DescriptionTo sponsor an event in July 2011 for the 'Arab Techies', a network of technologists in the Middle East that fosters collaboration in the development of Internet and mobile applications.
DescriptionArchitects of Diversity (AoD) is a youth-led non-profit organisation that works on bridging communities among youth for justice, peace, and a sustainable future in Malaysia.
DescriptionA two-year project agreement with to support the continuation of the organization’s work around utilizing advanced technology to ensure easy access to historical information, stimulating debate around key themes, and ultimately contributing to a healthy information ecosystem.
DescriptionTo support Article 19's participation in a government taskforce working to propose a new data protection policy for urgent adoption in Kenya.
DescriptionTo support Article 19's Digital Rights Program to enable a more favorable digital environment for exercising human rights, especially freedom of expression and access to information in Mexico
Information Ecosystems
Area of workInformation Ecosystems
Geographic focusGlobal
Year 2024
Amount committed (US$)1,156,000
Funding typeProject Agreement
Funding purposeProject Agreement
DescriptionThis 27-month project will enhance ARTICLE 19’s Digital Markets Watch initiative by building a global community for training, information exchange, and dialogue to advocate for open and fair digital markets, promote accountability for Big Tech companies by governments and regulators, and foster international discussions on digital market regulations, business models, and competition practices, while amplifying voices from Latin America, Africa, and Asia.
DescriptionTo support AI Now Institute (Cadence), a project housed at Aspiration Tech, that works to produce interdisciplinary research and public education on the social implications of artificial intelligence, and the industry responsible for it.
DescriptionTo support Aspiration to deliver a series of workshops to determine the feasibility of technology backed interventions to meaningfully address the problem of disinformation.
DescriptionTo support the Conference on Fairness, Accountability and Transparency, a project of ACM. This multi-disciplinary conference brings together researchers and practitioners interested in fairness, accountability, and transparency in socio-technical systems.
DescriptionTo provide a project grant to APC for capacity building of digital rights defenders, connecting them to other actors in the space, and supporting the work of different actors to promote a human rights-based approach to information and communications technology (ICT) policy making and advocacy in Southeast Asia.
DescriptionA project grant to fund advocacy work focused on regulatory mechanisms that can generate evidence-based push for new diligence rules and transparency standards around social media platform monetisation programs.
DescriptionThis grant will resource APC to connect organisations in Asia working on Big Tech accountability and enable knowledge exchange and sharing of work and strategies. A portion will also be used to provide fiscal sponsorship for the setting up of the organisation What to Fix.
DescriptionTo support Asylum Access' Global Systems Change work which seeks to transform the refugee system into one that is led and influenced by refugees and host communities, and that prioritises efforts that defend refugee rights and secure access to services.
DescriptionTo provide unrestricted support to Asylum Access, aiming in particular to strengthen its Global Systems Change work, which seeks to transform the refugee system into one that is led and influenced by refugees and host
communities, and that prioritises efforts that defend refugee rights and secure access to services.
DescriptionThe Atlantic Council?s Adrienne Arsht Latin America Center (AALAC) broadens understanding of regional transformations while demonstrating why Latin America and the Caribbean matter for the world. This grant specifically supports their work on Colombia.
Amount committed (US$)
For-profit figures not reported
Funding typeS.A.F.E: Simple Agreement for Future Equity
DescriptionTo support Avalanche in building organising infrastructure for the digital era that helps causes, campaigns, and companies better understand their stakeholders and lead advocacy campaigns that resonate.
DescriptionTo support a hackathon competition in Mexico that pits teams of programmers against each other to develop mobile applications for government agencies.
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