DescriptionThis is a two-year core grant to Cedar Seed Foundation in support of their work to enhance inclusion and diversity in political leadership in Nigeria.
DescriptionTo support The Center for Cultural Power, a women of color, artist-led organisation, inspiring artists and culture makers to imagine a world where power is distributed equitably and where we live in harmony with nature.
DescriptionTo support activities related to Stanford's Center for Democracy, Development and the Rule of Law and Haas Center for Public Service - specifically, an undergraduate seminar, several undergraduate fellowships, and an alumni network - all intended to develop talent and foster knowledge sharing in the Government Transparency area.
DescriptionTo support three programs run by the Center for Democracy, Development, and the Rule of Law (CDDRL) at Stanford: ON Leadership Forum (ONLF), Leadership Academy for Development (LAD), and the Ukrainian Emerging Leaders Program.
DescriptionTo support activities related to Stanford's Center for Democracy, Development and the Rule of Law. The funds will continue support for the alumni network and student internships, all intended to develop talent and foster knowledge sharing in the Government Transparency area.
Funding typeGrant: Foreign Public Charity Equivalent
Funding purposeProject Grant
DescriptionTo support the Mexico Innovation Agents project, which is an opportunity to catalyse public service delivery and generate learning for the global Open Government Partnership community.
DescriptionTo support the Center for Global Development, a leading think tank focused on reducing poverty and inequality through rigorous research and active engagement with the policy community.
DescriptionTo support the Center for Public Integrity, which focuses its investigations on money and politics, government waste/fraud/abuse, the environment, healthcare reform, national security and state government transparency.
DescriptionTo support the Center for Public Integrity, which focuses its investigations on money and politics, government waste/fraud/abuse, the environment, healthcare reform, national security and state government transparency.
DescriptionTo support the Center for Technology & Society in advancing ADL's mission of fighting anti-Semitism and hate, reinforcing its leadership against cyberhate, and protecting freedom of speech and democratic rights affected by emergent technologies.
DescriptionTo support the Center for Technology & Society in advancing ADL's mission of fighting anti-Semitism and hate, reinforcing its leadership against cyberhate, and protecting freedom of speech and democratic rights affected by emergent technologies.
DescriptionTo support the Center on Privacy and Technology at Georgetown Law, which is a think tank focused on privacy and surveillance law and policy???and the communities they affect.
Funding typeGrant: Foreign Public Charity Equivalent
Funding purposeProject Grant
DescriptionTo support the Centre for Community Development in Zimbabwe (CCDZ), a community-centred non-profit organisation, to work on enhancing citizen engagement, social accountability and monitoring of local government officials, and civic education at grassroots level.
Funding typeGrant: Foreign Public Charity Equivalent
Funding purposeGeneral Funding Grant
DescriptionTo provide core operating support to Premium Times Centre for Investigation (PTCIJ) and their efforts at improving Nigeria's investigative journalism landscape, promoting press freedom in Nigeria, and for the expansion of Dubawa, their factchecking platform.
Funding typeGrant: Foreign Public Charity Equivalent
Funding purposeProject Grant
DescriptionTo support CLIP, a non-profit association composed of a Latin American team, which conducts and coordinates collaborative cross-border journalistic investigations and puts its technological innovations at the service of journalism in the region. Through its investigations, always carried out with Latin America's media and journalists, CLIP seeks to serve as a secure platform for exchange and hard-hitting journalism.
Funding typeGrant: Foreign Public Charity Equivalent
Funding purposeProject Grant
DescriptionSupporting CLIP in achieving their institutional objective of fostering public debate and delivering high-quality transnational information to advocates of the public good. Specifically, the grant aims to support the following work streams: Cross-Border Investigations and Editorial Support, Tech Development for Enhanced Journalism Efficiency and Data Processing, Community Development, and the Crossborder Big Tech Investigation Workshop.
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