Partner story
By Kitty von Bertele

Insights from our Western Europe partners

Since we started building our Western Europe portfolio in 2017, Luminate has had the chance to partner with and fund some extraordinary people and organisations in the UK, Germany, and France. This work has been focused on: finding and supporting models for local and investigative journalism; making sure people have the opportunity to play a meaningful role in decisions that affect their lives and hold accountable the authorities making those decisions; understanding the forces that threaten to polarise and divide our societies and supporting vital work to address those fractures; and supporting organisations that understand that the ever pervasive use and deployment of data and digital technology in society has a huge impact on people’s lives, and making sure that fundamental rights are upheld in this environment.

Last year Luminate shared information about organisational changes that mean we are winding down our domestic work in Europe by the end of 2023. In doing so we wanted to give space to partners we have worked with, to share their own perspective on their work, what they have learnt and what’s needed in the future. Please check out what they do, in their own words – I have learnt so much from these people and organisations, and it has been a privilege to have been able to work with them.