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Showing 1-10 of 39 results

Challenging mis-information in Nigeria

Stears is online-first, an example of a new generation of media companies that is challenging the traditional model of heavy advertising dependency and analogue newsrooms by monetising their editorial, data, and research...

Celebrating the women leaders we work with in Africa

In commemoration of this year’s International Women’s Day, Luminate's Africa team would like to specially celebrate the amazing women leaders in our portfolio who have demonstrated determination, skill, and empathy in...

Q&A with Democratic Society's Hanne Bastiaensen

Demsoc is a networked membership organization working in 28 countries across Europe and beyond. For over a decade, they've worked with partners to support thriving democratic spaces, dialogue, and mutual comprehension.

Introducing Partner Support at Luminate

Above and beyond financial investments, Luminate engages closely with our partners to cultivate healthy, resilient, and effective organisations, through what we call Partner Support.

Learning from Luminate’s Wellness Stipend

We launched this program to give select partners the ability and license to take steps toward support, healing, and resilience. We’re sharing our reflections and learnings with the hope of inspiring more funders to prioritize...

Chicken & Egg Pictures: Creating spaces for more impactful storytelling

Chicken & Egg Pictures’ support to filmmakers includes mentorship and guidance for early-stage filmmakers, grant funding to filmmakers, and the annual Chicken & Egg Award that recognizes five to six women and gender nonconforming...

Pulsante: Expanding civic space in Latin America

Pulsante will invest $3M to protect and expand civic space and to ensure that all citizens can participate in the decisions that impact their lives in Latin America.

Ensuring everyone can help shape society

We envision a future where everyone has the power to shape society. CEO Stephen King shares how Luminate has evolved our strategy to concentrate on the issues and places where we can best deliver the greatest impact.

Reimagine support for African media

Uniting to support the media industry in Africa, especially native digital media, is crucial to preserving its independence and advancing democracy.

To expand civic space US$3 million will be invested in Latin America

Pulsante seeks to protect and expand civic space, to ensure that all citizens can participate in the decisions that impact their lives, and to improve democracy in Latin America.
Showing 1-10 of 39 results